How to Reduce Healthcare Costs

How to Reduce Healthcare Costs

Find out how to reduce healthcare costs by investing in a healthy lifestyle here. True, it costs more money up front, but as Benjamin Franklin is famously quoted as saying “A stitch in time saves nine.”

One of the best ways to create health is to eat organic foods.  Pesticides used in non-organic foods have been linked time and again to diseases and disorders ranging from cancer to Parkinson’s to autism and ADHD.

Yes, organic foods cost more, but consider that the typical American family pays less than half of what other cultures do because so many of our unhealthy crops are subsidized (sugar, corn, wheat, soy, canola, etc.).

Joel Salatin, founder of Polyface Farms and author of “Folks, This Ain’t Normal:  A Farmer’s Advice for Happier Hens, Healthier People and a Better World“, says “If you think the price of organic food is expensive, have you priced cancer lately?”

Another way to create health is to eat fresh-as-possible foods.  Americans typically eat far more processed foods loaded with these subsidized crops than other cultures do.

Take a look at this Time photo-essay to see that most other cultures eat far more fresh food and less processed food than Americans do.  Many times, processed foods contain preservatives, trans fats, sugar, artificial colors, antibiotics, growth hormones and, sometimes, even carcinogens.  No wonder Americans have such high healthcare expenses!

Do you think what you eat can have an impact on your health?  I know it does from both my personal and professional experience.



mercury rippleI’ve been chelating to remove heavy metals for a while now.  I had myself retested back in January 2011, and my levels of heavy metals had declined significantly.

“H” means higher than the reference range, and “VH” means it’s a way-high number.  My initial mercury levels were literally off the charts! Mercury is toxic at one part per billion, which is about the same concentration as one grain of salt in one swimming pool.  [Read more…]

Statin Dangers

Statin DangersStatins are increasingly being prescribed to bring down high cholesterol levels, which are thought by many in the medical community to be dangerous. I disagree.

Your brain and neurological system need cholesterol to function. As Dr. Sherry Rogers says in her September 2007 edition of her “Total Wellness Newsletter” (I highly recommend you subscribe to it to keep yourself updated about how doctors aren’t paying attention to health problems created by toxicity, nutritional deficiencies and side effects of prescription medication):  “Robbing the body of cholesterol synthesis deprives the brain of dolichols, messengers or neurotransmitters, damages our NF-kB production that then ushers in:

She then goes on to say that they can cause sudden amnesia. That’s a scary thing to think about: what if you’re on statins and you’re driving a car and all of a sudden you get amnesia?

Recent research has shown that statins also increase your risk of diabetes.

Remember, cholesterol is NOT the enemy – inflammation is!  Cholesterol is simply the band-aid that is trying to protect your body from chronic inflammation.

In addition, remember that if you’re lowering cholesterol, you’re also lowering levels of hormones that are made from them, like progesterone and testosterone, which is why a low sex drive is also a side effect of taking statins.

Dr. Rogers points out in her February 2011 edition of “Total Wellness Newsletter” that “plasticizers and phthalates… are the number one culprit for a rising cholesterol or other lipid abnormalities. Plus they trigger the inflammation called arteriosclerosis.”

Most doctors simply don’t take into account the effect of toxicity on our health, but the research is there if they look for it.

Here are some great resources for educating you and your doctor further about statin dangers and the demonization of cholesterol.  This is just a small sample of the over 900 studies that have shown the dangers of statins:



New research shows that radiation emitted from cell phones may damage DNA and disrupt DNA repair, which could ultimately lead to cancer.  Read more…

SOURCE:  The Environmental Working Group’s Enviroblog


A new study strengthens the tie between breast cancer and toxic exposures to plastics and carcinogens in the workplace.

Specific industrial sectors with elevated risk included: agriculture, bars-gambling, automotive plastics manufacturing, food canning, and metalworking.

Premenopausal breast cancer risk was highest for automotive plastics and food canning.  Read more…

SOURCE:  Environmental Health Journal


A starchy, high-carbohydrate diet is associated with the recurrence of colon cancer.  Read more…

SOURCE:  Science Daily


Pesticides and other toxins in food are linked to cancer, developmental delays and birth defects.  Eating organic food would avoid these risks.  Read more…

SOURCE:  Environmental Health Journal


High levels of chronic inflammation can cause cancer.  “This research shows that when interleukin-15 is present in high amounts in the body for prolonged periods, such as during chronic inflammation, it can cause certain immune cells called large granular lymphocytes to become cancerous.”  Read more…

SOURCE:  Science Daily