burger and fries

burger and fries

I admit it.  I love a good grass-fed burger and fries every now and then.  I’ve never said I was perfect.  However, my family and I don’t eat fast food every day.

Instead, we eat out once or twice a week because the insanity of eating only “perfect” food is just too much stress for me.

Call me a hypocrite if you want, but I need to keep my sanity!

You’ve heard it said before that it’s the little things that you do over and over again on a consistent basis are what make the difference, and this applies to your food choices, too.

If you’re eating fast food every day, now that’s another story.  If this is the case, then you’re not providing your body with proper nutrients AND it’s having to detoxify from all of those free radicals, acrylamides, artificial colors, artificial flavors, preservatives, GMOs and poor-quality foods.

If you have asthma and/or eczema (or any other type of autoimmune disease, disorder or condition), you should know that you’re not doing yourself any favors by eating this way.

Eating 3 or more fast-food meals per week can significantly increase the severity of asthma and eczema.  If you’d like to learn more about how other food choices can lower the severity, you can set up a consultation with me by clicking HERE.