apple with vitaminsNutritional deficiencies are rampant.  I believe many people are falsely lulled into a sense of security by RDA (recommended daily allowances) listings on food and nutrients.

What you don’t know is that RDA requirements are the bare minimum to stave off diseases of deficiency like scurvy or rickets.

RDA requirements do NOT promote optimal health! 

Take, for example, vitamin E.  The RDA of vitamin E is 11 international units (IU), yet “the doses that cut many diseases including heart disease in half are 400-800 IU”, writes Dr. Sherry Rogers in “The Cholesterol Hoax“.

As a further example, in a 2006 study of affluent children, over 90% of preschool-aged children were deficient in the RDA for vitamin E, which is well below what’s needed to cut disease risk.

Then there is magnesium.  An estimated 80% of people are deficient in this vital mineral, which is crucial for bowel function, heart health and sugar metabolism, among other functions.

Magnesium deficiency is common in people with cardiovascular disease, fibromyalgia, type 2 diabetes, PMS, asthma and so many more diseases and disorders.

There are MANY causes of nutritional deficiencies, including:

The thing is, most doctors don’t know check or don’t know how to check for nutritional deficiencies.

The other thing is that many symptoms of chronic diseases and conditions are simply nutritional deficiencies.

How much could our health improve if we addressed nutritional deficiencies?